How to Get More from Your Supplements

Well, the festive season came and went, and if you’re like a lot of people, you’re probably eager to undo weeks of over-indulgence and get back into the gym and into a healthy eating regime. With the start of a New Year, should come a boost in motivation and drive to make 2020 the year that you crush your fitness goals. A summer body is built in winter, so don’t put it off any longer, and make this month the month that you get serious. To help you get the most out of your healthy eating and exercise regime, you may have considered investing in new supplements. If used right, supplements can really help you to take your training, performance, and your physique, to the next level. Here’s a look at how to get more from your supplements.

Always use as instructed

One of the biggest mistakes that supplement users often make, is thinking that ‘more means more’ when it comes to supplement serving sizes. When trying to build muscle for example, instead of using say, 1 scoop of protein per serving, as recommended, they may use 3, thinking that more protein means more muscle. The truth of the matter is that serving sizes and recommended usage instructions are there for a reason, and that reason is that that has been found to be the most efficient way of using the products. Failing to use supplements as instructed will not only hinder your progress and results, it could also be dangerous.

Stop using supplements instead of food

Okay, if used correctly, supplements are indeed a fantastic way of elevating your training and improving your performance and physique. However, they are not intended to serve as substitutions for food. When trying to build muscle for example, don’t chug down protein shake after protein shake in place of healthy, wholesome, protein-rich meals. This is not only bad for your health, it will also negatively impact your training and recovery. Supps are great, but they’re not a replacement for whole foods. When it comes down to a choice between whole foods and supplements, whole foods should win every time. Supplements are designed to be used in conjunction with healthy foods and balanced diets.

Only buy from trusted manufacturers

The supplement business is big business, and consequently, everybody wants in on the action. Unfortunately, this means that a lot of inferior supplements are now floating around out there. Some less-reputable companies use cheap filler ingredients and inferior ingredients to bulk out their products to make them stretch further. To ensure you’re getting a quality product, only buy from trusted brands and manufacturers, rather than cheap brands that nobody has ever heard of. Remember, if a supplement is cheap, it’s cheap for a reason.

Use in conjunction with a healthy diet and smart exercise routine

Finally, as great as supplements are, they don’t work miracles. No matter how good the products are, if you aren’t exercising right and eating the right foods at the right times, the results won’t be there, it’s that simple.

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About Adam Erikson 92 Articles
Adam contributes research and video to Bodybuilding Gold. He is temporary located in the UK and is currently studying science. He is passionate about health and fitness.