Getting started with creatine supplements

Thinking about taking a creatine supplement? When buying these supplements it’s important to choose the right brand and potency to ensure you achieve the best possible results. Don’t fall for the advertisements or endorsements – Look at the ingredients and check out ratings and reviews. Below is a breakdown of getting started.


When taking any bodybuilding supplement its always best to get guidance from a nutritionist, a trainer or an experienced friend as they should have a good understanding on whats available in the market, how to take creatine effectively and what’s worked and not worked for them.


The creatine supplement market is huge and dominated by big brands such as MuscleTech, Optimum Nutrition and RSP Nutrition. Most of these brands offer both powder and pill forms with varying sizes. Check out’s Top Creatine Supplements to see what the best selling and highly rated creatine supplements are. This list should give you an idea on what works and doesn’t using user ratings and reviews.


The best and most effective creatine supplement is one that best fits your age, diet, weight, height, your level of fitness and what your fitness routine is. Ensure that you follow the recommended dose specified on the label of the supplement, however when first starting to take it we suggest you build up your dose over a week period to allow your body to adapt to the supplement. If you overdose, you shouldn’t feel any side effects, however, your body would probably discard the additional product – Overdosing really just ends up being a waste of money! So it’s best to keep to the recommended dosage.


A big part of bodybuilding is patience – All creatine supplements, like any supplement for that matter, take time for any sort of result to appear. This type of supplement does not equal instant gains – You still have to work hard for results. Follow the recommended dosage, train hard, eat quality food, sleep and repeat.

Keep checking for supplement category discussions and reviews. We are always on the lookout for the best, most effective creatine! πŸ™‚

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About Adam Erikson 92 Articles
Adam contributes research and video to Bodybuilding Gold. He is temporary located in the UK and is currently studying science. He is passionate about health and fitness.