Get bigger biceps – Maximise your results

Bigger Biceps

Lets talk about the basics to get bigger biceps. Biceps are the muscle that every guy wants to grow. They are so focused on this one muscle they forget there is much more to it than just bicep curls.

As what alot of experts and bodybuilders say – Bodybuilding is 80% diet, 20% training. If your diet isn’t spot on, that hard work in the gym might not be totally worth it. Increase your Protein and focus on quality foods such as chicken, fish even some kangaroo (good if your in Australia). Add a few protein shakes too to help you get your goal protein intake.

Right Exercises
To gain mass in your biceps you need to also include various routines that include muscle tissues surrounding the biceps such as Triceps, Deltoid and Forearms. So don’t forget to do more than just bicep curls. Other exercises you should do include bench presses, chin ups, hammer curls, reverse barbell curls and palms-up dumbbell wrist curls.

To stimulate the progress of your bicep mucuses you will need to constantly change your workout routines so your muscles don’t become get used to the same repetitive movement, in the same order. Increasing weight and adjusting quantity are also key for continuous growth.

Ensure your biceps get plenty of rest between workouts. Rest is when the muscles actually grow and is key to quality, massive gains.

It really isn’t that complicated – Eat right, work hard, rest and repeat!

Keep lifting πŸ˜‰

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About Adam Erikson 92 Articles
Adam contributes research and video to Bodybuilding Gold. He is temporary located in the UK and is currently studying science. He is passionate about health and fitness.